Rahman Supermarket bvba

Maatschappelijke zetel:
Zwevegemsestraat 48
8500 Kortrijk

Zwevegemsestraat 35
8500 kortrijk
tel. 056 20 03 49
gsm. 0465 84 61 24

Pluimstraat 17-23, 8500 kortrijk
tel. 056 51 98 60
gsm. 0489 13 55 59

BTW: BE0460.364.374


Groenten & Fruit


Guava is a tropical fruit, cultivated mainly in a number of Asian countries. It is green in color and changes to yellow when it becomes over-ripe. Inside the skin, you can find lots of small hard seeds enveloping the soft and sugary pulp of the fruit. The fruit is quite rich in vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it is popular among people as a very good source of vitamins, fibers as well as minerals. Doctors also suggest the fruit for treating male infertility caused by sperm clumping, adhesion and other abnormalities.

Nutritional Value of Guava

Given below is the amount of nutrients present in 1 cup (165 gm) of Guava include:

  • Calcium - 50 mg
  • Carbohydrates - 19.6 gm
  • Fiber - 8.9 gm
  • Niacin - 2 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 48 mg
  • Protein - 1.35 gm
  • Total Fat - 0.9 gm
  • Vitamin A - 412 IU
  • Vitamin B - 1.15 mg
  • Vitamin C - 498 mg
  • Calories – 84


Buying Guava

Do you want to buy fresh and green guava? Rahmans is a great supplier of guava at discount rates to a number of domestic as well as international customers. It packages the fruit carefully so that it does not lose its nutritional value.