Rahman Supermarket bvba
Maatschappelijke zetel:
Zwevegemsestraat 48
8500 Kortrijk
Zwevegemsestraat 35
8500 kortrijk
tel. 056 20 03 49
gsm. 0465 84 61 24
Pluimstraat 17-23, 8500 kortrijk
tel. 056 51 98 60
gsm. 0489 13 55 59
BTW: BE0460.364.374
Fruit & Vegetables
Of late, one of the fresh and health leaves available in the market is red-cocoyams-leaves. Previously, the leaves were planted for cormels. Due to its low price, farmers do not encourage the harvesting of the product. Do you want to buy fresh and quality red-cocoyams-leaves without compromising taste, fragrance, and nutritional value? If your answer is affirmative, contact us. We sell our products and services to a number of customers at discount rates. Our professionals pack the leaves so as to ensuring zero external or internal contaminants.
Benefits of buying our cocoyam leaf include softness, freshness, good shape, germ free and greenish color of leaf as well as the maturity of cormels. Apart from cocoyam leaf, all our vegetables are come up at discount rates. We comprise of teams of experts capable to supply vegetables and fruits to a wide variety of customers. Red-cocoyams-leaves are healthy and provide protein so people from all corners of the world buy them.
http://www.rahman.be offers hygienic and fresh vegetables and fruits as per the requirement of buyers. Furthermore, it packages items with the assistance of professionals. For ordering fruits and vegetables, explore our website and get extensive information. So, why are you getting late? red-cocoyams-leaves